Die Eekhorings Kry Stry
Book Name:
Die Eekhorings Kry Stry
Rachel Bright (outeur); Jim Field (illustreerder); Jaco Jacobs (vertaler)
Protea Boekhuis
Zak die eekhoring het die hele somer lank gespeel en baljaar. Die winter is om die draai en hy besef geskok dat sy winterspens dolleeg is. Dan sien hy sy redding … n dennebol PROPVOL heerlike pitte. Maar hy is nie al eekhoring wat sy oog op die dennebol het nie.
Dis n skaterlag rymboek oor hoe om mededeelsaam te wees, en saam met n vriend oor iets te kan lag. Pragtig geïllustreer deur Jim Field.
Zak the squirrel played his way through summer, and didnt think about stocking up his pantry for the icy winter. Then he spots the very last pinecone of the season and races off to fetch it. But hes not the only one with his eyes on the prize!
Wonderfully witty book about learning to share and having a laugh with a friend, beautifully illustrated by Jim Field.